Sunday, June 14, 2020

Once unnecessary fatality within the black community

It is just unbelievable that another young black man has been killed by the police. This time in the Atlanta area; based on what I reviewed in the video of this latest incident;  the victim did not have to be shot in the back. He could have been apprehended quickly by the police by other means ;according to various accounts, the YOUNG man had left a vehicle and was fleeing on foot when fatally shot. More fuel to the fire, and rightfully so. what was the reason for this incident..drinking on the property of a fast food joint.  I do not understand the mind set of the officer..was he too out of shape to catch the individual who was fleeing and decided that it was easier to shot the guy in the back than go after him..was he just a racist policeman. What was actually in this officers head when he fatally shot Mr. Rayshard  Brooks? How quickly is OUR congress going to act in a positive way to thwart these horrible instances from happening. By the way, the white guy who killed nine people who were worshipping in a church was given a hamburger by the police.  Doesn't this whole thing make you sick to your stomach!