Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Susan Rice is the best choice for Joe Biden as Vice President

Susan Rice how did I overlook her? The democrats require  balance on their ticket. Ms. Rice is the perfect choice. A Rhodes scholar, a person with diplomatic experience and a former United Nations ambassador. No more guessing ,no more multiple choice questionnaires on the internet. Ms. Rice fills the bill completely; who better suited to help restore the United  States status with our allies than a former individual with diplomatic experience during the Obama tenure in the White House .I am sure that all the other women on Mr. Biden's short list would agree . Now all w have to do is to get tom Perez .national chair of the democratic party to agree to her name on the ticket. The perfect ticket and an easy sell to the democratic base and even to independents who care about our nation. Ms. Rice could easily step in to the presidency if something happens to Mr. Biden. IT IS GOOD ALL THE WAY ROUND! SUSAN RICE SHOULD BE THE VICE PRESIDENTAL CHOICE FOR JOE BIDEN

The Polls..remember what happened to Hillary Clinton..she lost!

When you listen to the media, they tell you that Joe Biden is ahead of the person in the oval office. Unfortunately, these statistics may be very misleading. The problem with polls are numerous. There is a lot of information to consider when you make a decision based on a poll.  What is the composition of the poll...sample size,  geographic location, gender, professional or not, age, a person who votes or not ,their political affiliation. Hopefully democrats will not rely on polls this November. The democratic party has chosen Joe Biden as their candidate; he was not necessarily my choice or yours for that matter but he is the candidate. I want to hear more from Joe. His choice for vice president will be his choice as his successor; so I hope he picks a good candidate one who has great political experience and one who could step in in moment of tragedy. I want to hear about the composition of his cabinet. I want to hear about how he will deal with this pandemic. I want to hear about a vaccine that has been tested and tested and tested. I want it to be safe and effective. I DO NOT WANT A VACCINE HURRIED THROUGH THE  VARIOUS PHASES TRYING  TO OFFSET POOR POLLING DATA FOR TRUMP TO GET REELECTED  AND TO CLAIM A VICTORY THAT MAY NOT BE AT ALL SAFE. I want to hear that the new attorney general will prosecute donald trump and his cronies. I want to hear about health care for everyone rich or poor.I want to hear about aide to education housing for for the poor >I want to hear about good jobs good training programs for young people who do not want to go to college or university. I want to hear about  tuition reform.BUT MOST OF ALL I WANT TO HEAR ABOUT HOW WE ARE GONING TO END SYSTEMIC RACISM AND INEQUALITY IN THIS COUNTRY AND AROUND THE WORLD.and I want to hear more from Joe Biden about all that concerns  us all as citizens. SO JOE..TELL ME AND EVERYONE ELSE WHAT IS IT GOING TO BE LIKE FOR THE UNITED STATES TO HAVE YOU AS PRESIDENT. 99 DAYS AND COUNTING ..GOOD LUCK! AND BY THE WAY..YOU ALSO HAVE TO RESTORE THE UNITED STATES AS THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD.  A POSITION THAT TRUMP ABANDONED!

Monday, July 27, 2020

Mayhem does not bring change; it brings in unwanted federal authorities

The United States Congress has not responded to the reaction of the George Floyd murder and others. Congress has not responded to police brutality and the need for national change. Congress has not responded to systemic racism in this country. These are facts. Now we are having another reaction to the presence of federal authorities in many 'democractic ' cities across our nation. These authorities are not welcome nor requested; their presence is  enraging further the people's right to be heard through protest. Unfortunately , as we have seen, there is a segment of people within the protests that are using protest as an excuse for violence and vandalism. This is going nowhere. Violence will bring more violence. The protestors suddenly are playing into the hands of a president whose only motive for the use of force is to get reelected  .Let us all think about this: do we want Donald Trump reelected ;my answer is absolutely not! I hope you all agree. We are at a critical juncture in our history; one where we, as a nation,  have to reflect on the history of inequality and racism that has existed for generations. We must all respond to these problems. First we must respect the rule of law; where there is injustice we must ALL act to end it. We must reform policing in the United States; We must demand a national policy of training for all who choose to go into law enforcement. We must challenge all authorities local state and nation to put money where money is needed..housing,health  care ,education social reform and social services. The voices of protestors across a our. land must be heard by the chosen representatives in Washington. With the current outrage in many cities and the voices of the non-protesting citizenry, Congress must listen to the cries of the people.  How do we get a response;We the people vote out the representatives that do not care about our health our safety and the pride that all Americans share in knowing that the United States potentially is the greatest nation on this planet. I CHOOSE TO VOTE FOR REAL CHANGE! I want to know before I vote for Joe Biden what the theme of his presidency will be. Will he choose Elizabeth Warren as his vice president or someone else. The likes of Kamela Harris is another great choice; but I see her more as the Attorney General who would aggressively prosecute Trump and others. I would like to hear Mr. Biden tell us about his cabinet. Will it be filled with new faces of color in key posts? I think Joe Biden is the candidate of the party rather than the candidate of the people; but he is what has been given to us. The major question that still will be on people's minds is will Biden be enough!

Saturday, July 11, 2020

We have seen the reaction now what is the response going to be?

For nearly a month now, we have seen various reactions to the deaths of African-Americans at the hands of the police; we have heard the cries of inequality.
what will be the response of the federal government. It is not like this hasn't happened before. The cries of parents after sandy hook and other mass shootings. NOTHING happened. Why is that? It seems as though these cries and protests have fallen on the deaf ears of  OUR Congress in Washington. The right and the left each point fingers at one another, to no avail. We are all struggling through a devastating pandemic with no clear end in sight and no leadership in the White House. The political outlook is uncertain..The Democrats are trying to give us the impression that Mr. Biden will win in November. The polls point to a victory, but we are not there yet.  It is time to pay attention to everything that is going on..the black lives matter movement or should I say all lives matter it is not matter what the color of your skin is,reforming our local police forces with national and uniform training , working towards a more equal society that in itself is very complicated, paying attention to climate change, paying attention to the negative impact that the current administration is having on the environment our leadership in the world and certainly the current president's abuse of power and obstruction of justice. What should the nation's response be? Demand that Mr. Trump resign from office, no that is not good enough  because you would still have the remanents of his administration.Try to impeach him again, but this time on charges of treason!Having knowledge of bounties on American Service personnal  by a foreign power. Another narrow attempt but legitimate. Or,and I hope everyone will agree, Vote Trump out of office along with as many Republicans as possible and Have the people's attorney general bring him up on so many charges that if found guilty that the result will put him in prison for the rest off his life. The people demand justice. And to add, his financial resources should be stripped from he and his family and that the whole group  be forced to endure the hardship of unemployment that so many Americans are enduring right now. We the people have allowed this president to hurt American citizens; we the people have allowed this president to destroy the environment, we the people have allowed this president to take our nation from it s leadership in the free world; we the people have allowed this president to disrespect the rule of law..AND NOW WE THE PEOPLE MUST NO LONGER TOLERATE THIS BEHAVIOR..AND NOW WE THE PEOPLE MUST REMOVE HIM FROM THE HIGHESS OFFICE IN OUR NATION BY VOTING HIM OUT OF OFFICE . EVERYONE MUST VOTE NO MATTER WHAT! WE THE PEOPE MUST NEVER AGAIN ALLOW SUCH A PERSON AS A DONALD TRUMP TO OCCUPY THE WHITE HOUSE AND DEMORALIZE ITS CITIZENS AND DESTROY OUR LEADERSHIP IN THE WORLD! BUT WE WILL NOT ATTAIN THIS GOAL UNLESS WE ALL VOTE!