Wednesday, September 24, 2014

no excuses...just the facts

I had great expectations this election cycle to have my name printed on the ballot this fall. I did not succeed; I only managed 2156 signatures of the 3500 required by law. Over the last two election cycles , I have gotten over 5000 people to sign my petitions;  a lot of work, just not enough.  One point that I would like to make is that if I had been a member of a political party , I would have needed  only 1250 signatures to make the ballot, unless there was a primary challenge to deal with. So you see, I have been making the effort.  The only wall that I came up against  was the time factor and of course  those personal obligations that we all have ..working to pay the bills. So here I am again asking you to go down the congressional line on the November 4th ballot and write in THOM  JENKINS.You might ask..what about your campaign?  Watch  for You Tube videos and follow my blog.I will  be posting about money and politics, inequality and why we should be elevating American education, domestic policy, unemployment and jobs, campaign reform , the importance of policy in our lives , why we need to vote, and more.  

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