Why am I running as an independent for a congressional seat in the new 19th district in New York State? Because like you, I am displeased by professional politicians making ineffective legislation which does not reflect the everyday man and woman. We need a voice in congress that is outside the established Washington bubble. I want to be that voice.
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Enough! The Media is the root of the problem!
I wonder if people listen with both ears..I followed the presidential election with as much interest as I could. I listened with no bias to any of the candidates. I expected fair coverage..to a degree. I ..am not surprised by the out come of the election ..the media screwed everyone..Bernie Sanders did not get fair coverage..Trump has had his words literally altered..what do i mean by that. Example one..after the san bernadino terrorist shootings Trump came out.. and said..folks we have problem perhaps we should ban muslims from coming into this country until we figure it out..Wolf Blitzer s spin on that was Trump wants to ban muslims from into this country without the caveat. Second example..Donald Trump said that there could be riots in Cleveland if I do not get the nomination on the first ballot..again..wolf Blitzers spin was that there would be riots..and he kept repeating it. .truly unbelievable..These are just tiny examples of a shift in language that could be misinterpreted..Trump has said some outrageous things on the campaign trail..now he is president elect. The protesters are doing their thing..but perhaps they should have been out on the streets when bernie sanders was screwed by the Democratic National committee..just maybe the protesters should be voicing what they would like to see from the trump presidentcy..to unify the country.The media has gone to far in its reporting on personal attacks..the media should have put a lid on it. The campaign was more about personal attacks..than the issues. and when it came right down to it The new york Post cover said it all ..A woman holding her nose and saying VOTE for the candidate you dislike the least! Half the people felt one way the other half another..now we have to deal with it together. The media is the root the problem..I guess people will pay attention a little more..maybe even presidents will bite their tongues before they talk!
Thursday, November 10, 2016
The Aftermath
After each election, there is always a reaction..Mr. Trump has not done anything yet..and for anything that he will do after his inauguration he needs congressional approval. Our form of government has checks and balances..As for all the rhetoric of the campaign..those are concepts and only concepts. Fact: Obama has deported more undocumented immigrants than any other president in American history. Look to the media for misleading the public with their spin . Become more informed..listen. Hopefully, Mr. Trump will be a president for all the people.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
The Election Results
Congratulations to Donald Trump for his stunning presidential victory. The democrats thought they had the election wrapped up ..that was a big mistake. I was not successful in my bid for the 19th Congressional district of New York..the fact is that I tried ;my views on the issues have been consistent through the last three election cycles.Still, independents do not have a voice that means that a large portion of the electorate are citizens without a voice. Independents are needed in government to end two party gridlock and the bad habits of political parties that linger in Washington, D.C..New election laws to make access to the ballot fair for everyone..big money donors out of politics..elected officals are public servants and they have to begin to do their jobs..Will donald trump shake up washington..? Will he make good on his promises? We do not know the answers; we only hope that there are positive results for everyone. The one outstanding issue remains division..that division is no different than the outcomes of previous elections..the media a spin that should be filtered. what I mean by that is..try to be accurate in your reporting. The end result is Mr. Trump is the president elect..the House and the Senate are both Republican dominated..now what we have to do is wait and see. Statements made by the winner with regard to health care ,trade, immigration, corruption in government race relations, improvements for our inner cities, dealing with isis, cyber security et cetera are not overnight concepts that are easy to solve..we must unite behind Mr. Trump and see..but remember it is really no different than any other election..a lot of bad things were said about each candidate..that is put aside ..now the job of uniting the country begins..One last thing..congratulations to John Faso on winning the 19th congressional district..This district is gerrymandered Republican until 2020.Carpetbaggers do not belong here. two election cycles two carpetbaggers..the democrats lost each time. There should be longer residency requirements for a person who is seeking a congressional seat.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
I am the Candidate that you have all been waiting for..now go out and vote for me!.
As I mentioned previously..I want to look sharp going to my polling place..a carhart vest to keep me warm and remind me that I am a carpenter..a starched pink shirt with a Brooks Brothers tie an Armani sports jacket and back to the carharts for my pants.. I am the candidate that you have all been looking for but hard to find. I am not perfect and I have learned from my mistakes. The measure of a person after a fall is what he does with that new found opportunity..The only campaign promise I can make is that I will work tirelessly for the citizens of the 19th congressional district..If you have views that are simi;ar to mine; you must vote for me. After all, a vote for me is a vote for YOU!
Monday, November 7, 2016
In conclusion..Let your Vote make a difference,to you!
Let your Vote make a difference, to you! Vote your conscience !
The Eve of the 2016 elections
It is the eve of the 2016 elections; I am hoping to look really sharp when I go to my polling place to vote. for myself for the House of Representatives. This is my third election cycle..I am a write-in once more. Just like everyone one else ,I will have to go down the column marked ..House of Representatives and write my name THOM JENKINS in the space provided for a write-in candidate. The puzzle for me is the fact that a ballot recognizes a write-in candidate but the media does not. Nevertheless,I am a very proud American who wants to represent the citizens of the 19th congressional district of New York. I believe that the little media attention that I have had during this cycle may limit my reach,but I do think that Independents who have paid attention will step up and vote for me. This district has more than enough independents for me to carry the day. I have stated my positions on the issues ; I did a lot of work trying to make the ballot, falling short because the election laws are not fair..I feel that independents are being denied their right to representation by those very laws.Each cycle I went out and got more signatures than either a republican or democrat had to get..1250..How fair is it that an independent has to get 3500? The very breakdown of the electorate demands fairer election laws; nationally 55% of the electorate is independent so just how many democrats and republicans are there? I just laugh at the rationale that I am trying to split the vote..I think those people should get their facts straight. In conclusion..I am standing up for what I believe in..and I am very proud of it! So let us see what happens tomorrow..good luck to everyone..
Friday, November 4, 2016
Same sex Marriage and gender issues
It is the 21st century..every one has a gay relative somewhere.Who cares? And if someone does; it is none of their business. Society had gotten way out of control with people's sexual choice or orientation..once again private. Society has lightened up..Thank God!
Women..have a right to privacy
Roe v. Wade should never be overturned by the Supreme court! You can be pro choice and be pro life but you cannot be pro life and be pro choice..A woman's right to privacy is her business and no one elses.It has been very unfortunate that it even mentioned in the 21st century as a political issue.
Monday, October 31, 2016
Let's Turn Big Banks and Wall Street Around
Bernie Sanders said let"s break up the big banks and let"s tax Wall Street to help pay for education. Well, most of us seemed very enthusiastic about those concepts; unfortunately ,with the present make up in both houses of Congress that is impossible because those guys are bought and paid for ..The only way that those ideas could become reality is by voting for independents to become the occupants of the House and the Senate period. In the mean time, the alternative is to make a deal with the big banks and wall street..After all the government helped them out..Big time..Now it is there time to return the favor. The people who caused the problems of 2008 never went into the can they went to St. Bart's..Millions of Americans lost alot ..a fraction in the eyes of the greedy pigs..who got away with the crime of the century. The voter has influence. USE YOUR VOTE AS A WEAPON AGAINST THE ESTABLISHMENT!
Trade Agreements ..and then there is Iran
American corporations out source jobs taking jobs from millions of Americans.. Trade agreements have also hurt the American worker from NAFTA to the TPP..Let us reevaluate these agreements. Let us also think about our agreement on terminating sanctions against Iran and giving them back tons of money. Why didn't the present administration make a better arrangement? Look at how Iran has behaved since ..Unbelievable! Any deal, agreement or otherwise has to benefit the United States and the American worker. It has been a sell out. I do not like that do you? Let your vote make a difference to YOU..On November 8th, write in THOM JENKINS for the House of Representatives.
The Second Amendment
I support the right to bear arms. It is the right of most of our citizens..There must be a line drawn. WE need a federal law to keep firearms from getting into the hands of individuals on the terror watch list..do you remember that after the killings in California a senator from New York made that very proposal ..ironically it did not pass.Still unbelievable to me. We need a federal gun safety laws. The N.R.A. threatened members of Congress that if any member supported such legislation that their career in politics would be in serious jeopardy.If you respect the second amendment, then you should be the first to support gun safety legislation. Most gun owners respect their weapons and would not harm anyone..they love the outdoors...they love to hunt..they love going to their gun clubs..That is all well and good..but what about gun violence?
Sunday, October 30, 2016
How do we make a change?
The answer is quite simple on November 8th 2016 you write-in Thom Jenkins for congress specifically go down the Column for the House of Representatives and write in my name in the space provided...LET YOUR VOTE MAKE A DIFFERENCE,TO YOU!
Pollution our water and another pipeline that would cause too many problems
It is just unimaginable that we have community s that in the 21st century have polluted water..It is just unimaginable that the pilgrim pipeline is being considered when there have been so many accidents nation wide. The very fact that the Hazardous Materials Pipeline Safety Administration only has a handful of inspectors to survey over 2.6 million miles of pipeline is an instant red flag..Unfortunately, Congress has had a lot to do with this distress..politicians in the pockets of one corporation or another..paid to neglect safety..I promise to get to the core of the problem and be a beckon to correct those ills.
Our Farms
Our farms are to be cherished . The hard working farmer has a lot to deal with..Farmers need a break. In order to encourage farmers to grow organic which i believe in; I would propose increased subsidies for those who grew organic or were shifting in that direction ..those subsidies would be in proportion to the farmers capability of growing organic. Surely that would encourage the non organic farmer to think twice when it comes to getting money from the federal government..I think eventually if not immediately he or she would concur..I firmly believe that we can have a shift of consciousness if we only just do it! I believe in fairness..big agriculture can be a big help here..Use your common sense!
Our Taxes
The people pay too much..and the rich even though they are people too..pay too little..Unlike the opinion that Supreme Court concluded with the Citizens United decision where corporations were declared people..corporations get away with murder when it comes to paying their fair share. Not only do they not pay taxes in this country..they outsource our jobs..So corporations screw us both ways. And who is left to pay the burden, You and I. So..we must end corporate loop holes, give fair tax breaks to small businesses who provide a living wage and health benefits to their employees..tax credits to families whose children attend a four year university and an overall federal income tax to people whose income is less than 50,000 dollars of 2% of their adjusted gross income. Tax Credits to farmers who grow organic food and contribute to various food banks..and higher taxes on big agriculture until they shift to non-gmo and organic food..If all the farmers are growing organic..we all benefit lower taxes for big agriculture and healthy consumers.Although our current tax system is still based on income brackets,we should focus on helping the middle class more ..definitely ending a penalty for not having health insurance that never should have been included in the Affordable Care Act; I am sure that was looked at as a leverage point by the insurance industry to insure their pockets would get richer. I have always believed that wealthy individuals should pay a must larger tax..they can certainly afford it!
The Environment
Without a healthy environment , we are doomed as a species. WE have been doing a terrible job overall in preserving the air we breathe the water we drink and the very land we we live on..Everyone deserves clean healthy water..we deserve clean air and certainly we deserve a well preserved planet to live. We have been neglectful. The public with their own vigilance depends on state and federal agencies to protect the environment . There have been far too many environmental accidents..far too little accountability for those who caused the damage and far to little quick responses to those accidents even bordering on criminal neglect. It is the job of the federal government to make sure the public is safe..There must be strong regulations .There must be enough personnel in place to investigate and remedy any problem..Money should never be an issue!
Campaign Reform
Besides keeping big money out of politics..we might want to consider an election law that is fair to all congressional candidates.Their should be put in place a federal law giving all federal candidates the same opportunity to make the ballot. In New York state an independent has to get 3500 signatures to make the ballot whereas democrats and republicans only need 1250. The media must somehow be held accountable..the media gives very uneven spin on political candidates and basically ignores independents..it is really outrageous; and one wonders why independents do not appear on the ballot.The usual excuses are..the candidate did not poll at a certain percentage..the candidate is not getting any traction..I love that one because how do you get traction if you do not get media attention. Maybe the fairest way is to have a summary of the candidates position on the issues of that cycle on a website where the electorate can compare the candidates..it is also not beyond reason to have candidates positions on the issues at the various polling places that s fair..money should not buy representation , advertising television internet coverage UNLESS it is equal and paid for by the public not big donors..There are lots of ways to be fair..The F.C.C. could turn election advertising into Public service announcements..WHY NOT? CANDIDATES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PUBLIC SERVANTS THAT MEANS SERVING THE PUBLIC THEY REPRESENT NOT THE POLITICAL PARTY. that they are obliged to raise money for: no wonder Washington is such a mess!
Saturday, October 29, 2016
the issues continued..foreign policy
The United States is no longer the moral compass of the world. We have tried to install our form of democracy in countries that have not responded well to it..namely Iraq and Afghanistan. We turned our backs on Syria, the Ukraine and the Sudan where tens of thousand s have been harmed or murdered. We may have even on some level created Isis thru our own neglect. We seem to have a shortsighted vision of an action without a clear vision of the outcome. This must change. The two party gird lock in Washington has not been helpful. We need to counter the violence of the Middle east and North Africa with something different. We must act from the moral high ground of being a friend to those in harms way and a forceful friend when needed. If we can uplift the human spirit with economic aide and see results we continue our involvement..if not we do not period. If the people are uplifted by their own governments with our help .we will regain our status among the world of nations.
we must regain our respect. Unfortunately, Isis is a serious problem that must be dealt..Our relations with N.A.T.O must be more effective, especially in the Ukraine.
we must regain our respect. Unfortunately, Isis is a serious problem that must be dealt..Our relations with N.A.T.O must be more effective, especially in the Ukraine.
the issues continued
Education..I firmly believe that we need to revamp our educational system. The united states is leagues behind most of the world in science and mathematics ; the reason will surprise you we are not teaching our own language like we should. Simply things like grammar, punctuation sentence structure are not being emphasized enough anymore ..we are creating a class of people who do not know how to problem solve..a key element that a student should learn in elementary school. Congress needs to look seriously at the failures in the American educational system...and figure out a solution!
Well Mr. Jenkins where you stand of the issues in 2016?
The issues of 2016 are the same issues of at least the last two previous election cycles. I think that I will start with an issue that concerns us all...Health Insurance..The Affordable Care Act that has been with us for a while has been a step in the right direction..it has three very good points: no preexisting condition denial,children on your health care policy until they reach the age of twenty six and lastly no cap..that in itself is major. The difficult to swallow points are high premiums and high out of pocket expenses. You would think that the insurance companies would want us to have reasonable health care premiums to stay healthy in order to pay all the other insurances we need in our lives. I Pay almost twenty percent of my income for various insurances that I need to keep my life going and I have medicare and a supplement that keep going up and up. Those people with families pay the highest premiums. A recent article in the New York Times suggested that people rather pay the penalty rather than expensive insurance premiums. I get it but I do not think it a wise decision. We are not genetically perfect. It is a wise choice to have health insurance. I think it is the responsibility of congress to make sure that the insurance companies come up with a comprehensive plan to have fair and less burdensome premiums and co pays. I would invite the insurance companies to come before the congress to solve this issue. MY PLAN SIMILAR TO BERNIE SANDERS OF MEDICARE FOR ALL is a very reasonable idea. Fixed premiums and low co pays. Let us all get it straight United Health Care was paid 390 million dollars to unveil the Affordable care act;there is no reason why they cannot help fix it..And by the way the main health care plan for AARP is sponsored by united health care. As your responsible representative I will work hard to that accomplished. And of course I will be an advocate to see that social security and medicare stay in tact with a healthy future.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Let your vote make a difference, to YOU!
I think it is time a let your vote make a difference to you..I think your vote has to have a personal meaning.. Democrats and Republicans do not represent the people. If 55% of the electorate are independent nationally, just how republicans and democrats are there?
the time warner debate on October 24th,,
It is absolutely true mass media does not want to hear from independents. Once again I was told by the producers at time warner that I could not participate in the debate at the Woodstock playhouse..I was told that it is the policy of the company that I did not qualify according to their criteria of not polling at 10%..what is that suppose to mean? There are tens of thousands of independents in this district and yet they are citizens without a voice..actually about 130,000..that is a huge voting block..Ms. teachout is a democrat not an independent..people are not independent voting democratic or republican..they simply do not have any choice..without being redundant..it is not fair that Independents have a very difficult position..even though I am write in for third consecutive election cycle I should be an given equal voice..Write-in s are candidates..Franklin Roosevelt was even a write in once. Congress must establish a federal law giving all federal candidates an equal opportunity to petition the ballot . The election law in each state for a federal candidate vary. Be it as it may I sat quietly during the debate holding my sign citizens without a voice; I listened attentively to the questions and the responses of the democratic candidate and the republican candidate. I felt that the moderators did not ask the right questions focusing on narrow issues rather than focusing on the broader more important questions. furthermore, to be quite candid..it was a ho hum debate.
Sunday, October 9, 2016
I can't seem to get a word in edgewise
The reality of running for political office as an independent is very difficult; the media does not give you a fair shake..This election cycle as in the previous ones is dominated by the banter of democrats and republicans. The presidential campaign is not dominated by the issues that concern the people rather it is dominated by personal attacks one candidate at the other. There is no independent candidate for president even though fifty-five percent of the electorate is independent, not affiliated with any political party..so how come there is no independent voice? The media simply ignores them. Personally, I think the media is afraid to talk about them because the networks might lose their sponsors. I think that mass media sells what their sponsors want you to hear. Now that does not sound very democratic to me; does it to you? With regard to my candidacy for the ..House of Representatives....the only media recognition I received was in the Hudson Valley news..the publisher did not even send me a copy..no radio interviews as of today..but I have been promised by a talk show host at WDST here in Woodstock..Let's see what happens..there are alot of issues I would like to discuss publicly. Next post I will tell you where I stand on the issues currently.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
It's time for change..independents should support an independent
the time of allowing democrats or republicans to court you for your vote should be over but that decision has always been up to you the voter..how does this sound making America great again by working together for our future. Independents are a strong voting force..as a voter you have to have the conviction to vote independent..seriously, just ask yourself why am I not a Republican or a Democrat..the answer probably is that you do not agree with their policies..I am not promising you overnight change but I will promise that I will work tirelessly for you the constituents of the 19th Congressional district of New York not a political party's agenda. The establishment in Washington has just got to go..it is not an overnight accomplishment..it is simply time to oust democrats and republicans from office..too much influence from big MONEY AND NOT ENOUGH INFLUENCE FROM THE PEOPLE!
Monday, September 19, 2016
Politicans do not pick voters..the voters pick the politicans
President Obama speaking in Illinois on February 10th 2016 said politicans do not pick the voters, the voters pick the politicans. I think that statement should be true don t you ? For the second election cycle in a row, democrats have chosen an outsider to represent them on the ballot.This time the candidate is from Brooklyn. The candidate spends more time there than in this district..shouldn't that candidate be representing people from Brooklyn rather than the people of the 19th congressional district of new york? the democratic candidate chose the voters..the primary vote was hardly a mandate for her candidacy.the voters were not just paying enough attention..
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Once again a Write-in
I tried to make the ballot but was unable to come up the three thousand five signatures that an independent is required to make the ballot..however I did manage to gather more signatures than the democrats or republicans are required to make the ballot which is only 1250. The rules favor democrats and republicans they petition before an independent and most importantly they are required to get about one-third as many signatures..I managed one newspaper article and no radio interviews to date..I am not giving up. Independents represent 55% of the electorate yet they are citizens without a voice. For the last three election cycles I have focused upon being an independent voice not aligned with any political party..I have not done well..but that is to be expected..lack of media attention et cetera..In the last election cycle in case you do not remember, democrats chose sean eldridge, a very wealthy entrepreneur,to represent them on the ballot..he had not resided in this district very long..democrats chose to ignore the fact that he was a carpetbagger..but he did have lots of cash..millions in fact . He tried to buy the election..Chris Gibson beat him badly. This election cycle the democrats have chosen zephyr teachout. I met ms. teachout during the democratic primary at a local debate I went over to her after and introduced myself as an independent running against her..she asked me why..we were interrupted and I never got the chance for my reply..Here it is..I do not believe that democrats and republicans represent the people..I do not believe that the electorate should vote for a representative that is required most of their time in washington to raise money for their respective parties and hardly legislate for the people who put them there..and thereby yielding to the overwhelming influence of lobbyists..I do not believe that it is fair that a candidate sneak into a district at the eleventh hour and run for a congressional seat. I ran into an old opponent in woodstock one day recently and asked him why he was not running for congress again..he replied that teachout seemed to be a juggernaut coming from a her strong showing against cuomo in 2014..that s too bad I thought..My belief is that the candidates message is important..winning is one thing..Letting your vote make difference toYOU is another. Change is important..but it has to come from you! It is my hope that this November 8th 2016 that everyone who really wants change uses their vote to write in Thom Jenkins at the bottom slot on the ballot under House of Representatives.
Monday, June 27, 2016
Now its my turn...
On june 28th democrats and republicans will have their individual closed primaries. Their opportunity to petition the ballot began in march and closed in april. those candidates needed 1250 signatures to participate according to state election law. I have attended two debates for the democrats and listened closely to republican debate on capitol tonight on cable. It is june and my turn has finally come. I have petitioning since my first day the 21st of june. I look forward to meeting more of you this election cycle. Over the past two election cycles I have personally spoken to more than 5000 people in the district.My magic number to make the ballot is a minimum of 3500 valid signatures; it is a lot of work and I assure you that it is not easy. I think the message is important.. Because i did not make the ballot in either of the two previous election cycles I ran as a write-in ;to no ones surprise I did not win but proudly received a number of votes each time. The behavior of the electorate has illustrated a pattern that has not changed our nation s government in Washington. Same old story..same old result. While I do not pretend to your knight in shining armor and the savior of our republic; I will declare that there must be a new chapter in American politics. The 2016 election cycle has been very exciting..whether or not you like a bernie sanders or a donald trump both have come out and said the electoral system is not fair it is corrupt and rigged. I do not believe that we can prove it but we can at least acknowledge it. It is no different than any other system. Unfortunately, we have tried to export it in Iraq and Afghanistan and we have been seeing the results with the sacrifices of our servicemen and women along with NATO forces. I love my country..the system is not working for our families. We need solutions not a political stalemate. We can justifiably point our collective fingers at the two party system that does not represent the people. It is time for a new chapter in American politics; it is time for the electorate to wake up and have a shift of consciousness...try something else..there is no reason not too! I have been quietly voicing that. position. Quite frankly I want everyone in the district to vote for me come this tuesday november 8th 2016. Tell washington enough is enough..the new chapter begins NOW! But first, I need your support on my petition. Please sign my petition between June 21st and july 26th to make sure that your voice is heard in washington ..for years to come..I believe in my message..I promise to be an outspoken advocate for you not a political party. SIGN THE PETITION and thank you to all those people who have already signed.
Sunday, June 5, 2016
will my third attempt be a charm?
on the second of june 2016 I formally announced in the Woodstock Times that I would run for congress for the third time..it is not an easy task..the hardest part is making the ballot. In 2012 I managed to get 2887 signatures out of the 3500 needed to make the ballot for an independent; In 2014, I tried again ; I fell short 2156 signatures out of the required 3500. In both of those election cycles, I ran as a write-in. It is the 2016 election cycle..I am determined to make the ballot. The 19th congressional district of new york which I am running for has been held by chris gibson since 2012; he is not seeking a third term. I am the only candidate to have tried to repeatedly win the district. To refresh your memory , I am running on three principles: 1 government must have a conscience,2 the two party system (democrats and republicans) do NOT represent the people and 3 money should not buy representation. You can review my platform by simply going back through my blog which represents my thoughts on various issues to see where I stand. I will be updating you throughout . My petition period begins on june 21 and runs through july; my petition is due in Albany by early August.In order to sign my petition, you must be a registered voter living within the district and you must not have signed anyone elses petition; you can be a democrat . an independent .a republican ,a green that is the only benefit I have. The 19th Congressional District of New York consists of the counties of Ulster ,Greene, part of Dutchess down to and including Hyde Park, Columbia, Deleware,Sullivan, Schoharie,Otsego,and part of Broome, Rensselaer,and part of Montgomery. I look forward to representing YOU!
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