Sunday, October 30, 2016

Campaign Reform

Besides keeping big money out of politics..we might want to consider an election law that is fair to all congressional candidates.Their should be put in place a federal law giving all federal candidates the same opportunity to make the ballot. In New York state an independent has to get 3500 signatures to make the ballot whereas democrats and republicans only need 1250.  The media must somehow be held accountable..the media gives very uneven spin on political candidates and basically ignores is really outrageous; and one wonders why independents do not appear on the ballot.The usual excuses are..the candidate did not poll at a certain percentage..the candidate is not getting any traction..I love that one because how do you get traction if you do not get media attention. Maybe the fairest way is to have a summary of the candidates position on the issues of that cycle on a website where the electorate can compare the is also not beyond reason to have candidates positions on the issues at the various polling places that s should not buy representation , advertising television internet coverage UNLESS it is equal and paid for by the public not big donors..There are lots of ways to be fair..The F.C.C. could turn election advertising into Public service announcements..WHY NOT? CANDIDATES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PUBLIC SERVANTS THAT MEANS SERVING THE PUBLIC THEY REPRESENT NOT THE POLITICAL PARTY. that they are obliged to raise money for: no wonder Washington is such a mess!

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