This pandemic is not going away for some time. In the meantime, we must also begin to have some focus on the upcoming election in November. We are going to have to choose another four years of Donald Trump s mis-leadership or a different administration. The president is falling in the polls which means someone at least is paying attention; the problem is did the democrats, the other large corporation, choose the right candidate in Joe Biden. He has been a politican for a very long time and was vice president under the first black president of our nation, but does he have the energy at this point in time to carry the day and restore this nation s leadership in world. Despite his endorsements from former President Obama, former Secretary of State Clinton and others and his total delegates to date the answer is NO! He has no energy; he is totally out of it period. The Democratic National Committee has made another huge mistake dumping Bernie Sanders. Mr. Biden lacks the enthusiasm that the Sanders campaign provided the people . Problems with sexual harassment allegations and a significant lack of financial support are creating further difficulty for Mr. Biden"s path to the Presidency. Perhaps Bernie could carry the day if somehow he were to become the nominee. The Democratic National Committee has betrayed him again. So what is the democratic party going to do about it..Andrew Cuomo has shown great leadership during this crisis..Bernie Sanders is still in the wing. This pandemic has revealed a lot of the problems that Bernie Sanders wanted to solve with his message:universal healthcare and equality for all and more.Democrats for the moment have rejected that theme. Now they are faced with a Sleepy Joe on the front page of the New York Post some weeks ago, with the caption:Wake up Joe you are the presumptive nominee.!The democrats may be in bind now and worst than that, the country will be far worst off with another four years of a Donald Trump, Bring Bernie back or draft Andrew Cuomo.
Why am I running as an independent for a congressional seat in the new 19th district in New York State? Because like you, I am displeased by professional politicians making ineffective legislation which does not reflect the everyday man and woman. We need a voice in congress that is outside the established Washington bubble. I want to be that voice.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Testing...without it we will never get this virus under control
misleading information again. It is physcially impossible to test 500,000 per day without testing kits and the ability to obtain results. All of these tests have to go through a process to make an accurate diagnosis in a laboratory The United States is not equiped to do more. These tests that are being administered require a doctors note. The health care system is maxed out.There are too many different kinds of tests; many of them with inaccurate results How do you get a consistent positive or negative diagnosis. In order not to create absolute panic for our citizens economic welfare various states are attempting to gradually reopen their economies. This is not a logical idea.I totally understand There is too much that we do NOT know. There are some studies that indicate that this virus is airborne; there is very knowledge about this virus. Reopening the economy, while necessary at some point, may prove very very dangerous.Over one million cases over 57000 deaths;these statistics are based on a very limited amount of data. Over and over you hear the importance of more testing. My opinion is that everyone should get a standardized . accurate and reliable test. Our healthcare experts are still trying to get a grip on this virus..every aspect of our society and the rest of the worlds have been effected.There are many individuals who are not even following the mitagation guidelines; people carelessly have flocked to beaches in parts of california. I wonder just how many people will become infected or even worst become reinfected from that kind of behavior; what about the cavilar attitude of some of the states. People are going to get more careless. Everyone should be tested; it is time to be prudent not careless. Unfortunately, the federal leadership of our nation thinks more about the economy and its reelection rather than the safety of the public. When someone does not have all the facts, you stop..especially during a deadly pandemic. It has not reached the heartland yet. I listen to all the experts; if you are listening carefully, the experts are implying uncertainty. These so called experts are tip toeing around a president who thought that we had this under control. We simply do NOT have this under control. Testing will provide the data..isolation and mitagation will contain this for awhile. We need a treatment; I do not feel confident about a vaccine. Do you remember the early polio vaccine; it was very dangerous in the beginning. People have to be realistic about the situation..this will be with us for quite some time. I survived two brain surgeries and the 2008 financial crisis..I hope we can ALL survive this. Hopefully more test kits will show up where they are immediately needed,and more available as soon as possible for everyone else. It is MANDATORY TO TEST EVERYONE!
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Let us all be careful
If you are like do not like having your hands in your pockets. I would love to be working and I am sure that you feel the same way.We are all getting anxious. But here is the problem, things are just not going to jump start and we are all going to be playing catch up with our bills and our lives.Caution, the harsh reality is that the United States represents 1/3 of the known cases in the entire world and 25 percent of the worlds deaths; but what about the unknown. It is difficult to have any faith in the comments that come out of the White House. We still need to have universal and accurate testing in place. Our nation lags far behind in what we should be doing; daily figures misrepresent the reality. Worldwide testing is inevitable; it will take years to accurately test the population of the United States and God knows how long to test the rest of the globe.Public safety is this nations number one priority. The economy is a subset. I do not believe that businesses have been able to plan for the new normal. Every business will have to develop new criteria in their individual workplaces. Social distancing and other mitigation: masks,gloves and hygiene will be with us for some time. Reopening our varied economy is very complex. Caution is absolutely mandatory.Listen carefully to the daily statistics..the media is only reporting what is known. The unknown is what we all have to be concerned about and at the same time deal with. The risk to the public of restarting things in a reckless manner outweighs the immediate result. Businesses have to have concrete plans; will be trail and error. That in itself is going to be very difficult.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
The administration has a plan; reelection at any cost. If the director of the C.D.C predicts the possibility of this virus returning in the fall ,how will the government respond? I would not like to think about a conspiracy theory but OUR RIGHT TO VOTE may be limited or maybe even surpressed. Look what happened in the state of Wisconsin; is that what we have to look forward to. Mail-in voting is the only way to secure a true and auditable vote; Republicans are afraid of this method of voting. The higher the percentage of voting the more likely democrats will do better; there is a big argument over this issue. I would urge everyone to vote by mail.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Reagents for corona virus testing coming from China? you must be kidding
How can the United States trust China? With the largest population in the world providing a gigantic cheap labor force,the Chinese government has managed to have a huge trade advantage with the United States and the rest of the world. Everything is made in China ; there manufacturing ability is a great part of their foreign policy. Once upon a time, the United States led the world in manufacturing; that lead is long gone.Our great corporations have left the continental U.S. for corporate profits and cheap labor.. Our Nation must cut the chord with China. The United States government must get those corporations back .The art of the deal under the current administration is a failure; the lack of trust and leadership has led us to be unreliable on the world stage.The administrations slogan put America first has backfired. At this point we are the losers ;hopefully, a new administration will stop this trend. In the meantime,despite all its criticisms, Big Pharma must step up. It is only logical that the pharmaceutical industry make our tests and our reagents. WHAT A TIME TO STEP UP. WE NEED A UNIVERSAL TEST WITH ALL ITS PARTS THAT ARE ACCURATE AND RELIABLE. IT IS THE JOB OF THOSE GIANTS TO PUT THE HEALTH OF THE GENERRAL PUBLIC FIRST AND FOREMOST..PROFITS CAN COME LATER. I BELIEVE EVERYONE SHOULD GET A TEST AND I MEAN EVERYONE. THE GLOBAL HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS HAVE BEEN TESTED TO CAPACITY. THIS IS NEW VIRUS THAT WE KNOW REALATIVLY NOTHING ABOUT. WE CANNOT AFFORD TO GUESS. WE MUST PUT ALL OF OUR RESOURCES TO HELP MANKIND.The United States must step back into the world stage as a participant and as a leader.The lack of trust and the lack of great leadership domestically and internationally has enabled China to usurp that position; one long held by the United States. Our nation needs new leadership to combat this pandemic and future problems both strategic and economic.THE UNITED STATES MUST REESTABLISH ITSELF AS A GREAT MORAL COMPASS .THE QUESTION is: IS IT POSSIBLE? or HAVE WE LOST TOO MUCH GROUND ?
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Are you paying attention Now?
misleading information leads to misleading conclusions. The statistics made available by the media represent a small sample of the population of the United States.The administration says that 5 million tests have been administered; unfortunately, that does not take into account multiple tests per individual. Our front line health care professionals all need to be tested; not once but multiple times. Israel tests its health care workers every five days. The administration must provide ample testing to our health community in order to secure their safety. Mistakes have been made already; lets learn from them and correct them. .It would be a good idea for the administration to admit its short comings and come clean. The daily briefings have to become truthful and accurate and not full of the Presidents re election campaign.At this moment in time, the ..administration needs to give some confidence to our nation. There has been no evidence of that coming from this administration .This pandemic is not going away anytime soon.We need a universal and accurate test distributed throughout our country and the rest of world in order to combat this disease.
without testing we are asking for a catastrophy of enormous proportions. We know very little about this virus. The world health organization has cautioned that here is no evidence that antibody testing can show immunity. Another red flag to opening the economy; even in phases. Every precaution must be used .
without testing we are asking for a catastrophy of enormous proportions. We know very little about this virus. The world health organization has cautioned that here is no evidence that antibody testing can show immunity. Another red flag to opening the economy; even in phases. Every precaution must be used .
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Tears for Bernie Sanders Departure
Earlier this afternoon I listened to Senator Bernie Sanders "farewell" speech suspending his campaign for the presidency in 2020. Mr. Sanders is a true gentleman ; one who is true to his ideals. One of the reasons that I started to run for Congress in 2012 was the influence of his message. It simply made
sense. Mr. Sanders quest for the presidency in 2020 was once again greeted with great enthusiasm.Unfortunately.I saw the writing on the wall. His campaign looked potentially great again but once again the Democratic National Committee dumped him.I can just hear the internal memos fromTom Perez the D.N.C. chair..democratic way. Sanders message represents the future for this country..young people do not want the status quo; the youth of this country want real change .
the things that matter to them are: climate change..a liveable planet for future generations, health care as a human right,a living wage, equality for all and so much more. Bernie Sanders message will resonate beyond the November Election. If Mr.. Biden is lucky and the electorate wakes up and decides to go overwhelmingly to the ballot box and if Mr. Biden chooses a progressive running mate...the citizens may just wake up on the 4th of November 2020 with a democratic president with the weight of restoring the moral leadership of the United States of America. My personal opinion of the issue is that Bernie Sanders should have run as an independent in 2016,and perhaps this country would be a in a much better position than with the current misleader -in -chief. But that is just hindsight and of course hindsight can sometimes be 20/20. The electoral statistics are 43% independent,,29% democrat and republicans round it off with a slight margin for error. In conclusion, I am amazed at the fact that this country is afraid of the word socialism. What do you think medicare , medicade .unemployment insurance and snap are? These programs are part of a social contract that interface between government and society.
Monday, April 6, 2020
it has been awhile
There is a serious crisis in our United States.Our nation is being torn apart..our environment is being attacked ;the protections we had have been altered by a republican administration in a reckless manner loosening the existing EPA laws or simply repealing them altogether. Now we are faced with a terrible pandemic..This administration is dealing with the old saying to little to late;and as a result thousands of people in this country are dying..although the administration initially closed its borders the containment policy left every state to take measures into their own hands. Presently orders to shelter in place and social distancing are not observed in all fifty states. Despite the governments claim to have tested nearly 1.8 million people in our country, tests remain difficult to obtain and CANNOT give us. an. accurate number of potential cases, The population of this country is 330 million any projections are just not accurate and give a very misleading conclusion which no medical expert should rely on. The facts are clear the administration simply wants you to believe that this imaginary curve will flatten and our everyday lives will go back to normal ;this is just not is going to take some time not just a few weeks.How can you get something under control that you know very little about? How can you make a prediction on this virus if you have not tested everyone?Why isn't the federal government using the shelter in place recommendations to test everyone thru the various health departments in each state? We cannot safely reopen the country until we know the facts; the economy is secondary to public safety.The lack of understanding on part of the administration is evident indifferent president stands before you daily reading from a piece of paper with no heart or soul.
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