Monday, April 6, 2020

it has been awhile

There is a serious crisis in our United States.Our nation is being torn apart..our environment is being attacked ;the protections we had have been altered by a republican administration in a reckless manner loosening the existing EPA laws or simply repealing them altogether. Now we are faced with a terrible pandemic..This administration is dealing with the old saying to little to late;and as a result thousands of people in this country are dying..although the administration initially closed its borders the containment policy left every state to take measures into their own hands. Presently orders to shelter in place and social distancing are not observed in all fifty states. Despite the governments claim to have tested nearly 1.8 million people in our country, tests remain difficult to obtain and CANNOT  give us. an. accurate number of potential cases, The population of this country is 330 million any projections are just not accurate and give a very misleading conclusion which no medical expert should rely on. The facts are clear the administration simply wants you to believe that this imaginary curve will flatten and our everyday lives will go back to normal ;this is just not is going to take some time not just a  few weeks.How can you get something under control that you know very little about? How can you make a prediction on this virus if you have not tested everyone?Why isn't the federal government using the shelter in place recommendations to test everyone thru the various health departments in each state? We cannot safely reopen the country until we know the facts; the economy is secondary to public safety.The lack of understanding on part of the administration is evident indifferent president stands before you daily reading from a piece of paper with no heart or soul.

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