Monday, October 27, 2014

Somebody Else is Listening Too and It is Not The Good Guys

Do you remember Jimmy Carter on a news program, some decades ago speaking about a military operation that was going to Iran to rescue the 52 hostages. Do you remember what happened? I do not have to remind you. The media sometimes talks too much about the wrong subjects. The media reports a man has breached the security at the White House; they put a map on national television. They talk about American tactics protecting our assets abroad; they talk about how to take out Apache helicopters and make suggestions on how to attack commercial aircraft. Do you think that the "enemy" is not listening? The big one, of course, is discussing the topic of no boots on the ground ; constantly broadcasting this issue sends a poor message to our allies, whether it is true or not or simply inevitable; it demoralizes our allies  and enhances  the enemy's motivation.  Be careful what you broadcast ; we do not what your words to haunt us or harm us in any way! 

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