Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The importance of Politics and Policy in our lives...Cause and Effect?

Okay, cause and effect is something that we learn about in elementary school.  So how can we relate this to politics and policy in our daily lives?  It is quite obvious that almost everything we do  is somehow related to the politics in Washington and the policies that are "passed " on to  us or not.Congress is the most powerful branch of government...just think about the substance of the  legislation that goes before Congress. Some of that legislation concerns the quality of the air we breathe,  regulations pertaining to the food we eat, the water we drink, the energy we use,even the minimum amount of money some of us can earn,the list goes on to the right to chose  , the right to chose the person you love , the right to hold  on to  our entitlements of social security and medicare       that we have paid for all of our lives, the right to have affordable healthcare.  The list goes on and on. Unfortunately , cause and effect relationships permiate  our overall  foreign policy  and various security issues  namely ISIS and ebola as well.  The point is all these things matter..                 shouldn t you be concerned?

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