Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Testing...without it we will never get this virus under control

misleading information again. It is  physcially impossible to test 500,000 per day without testing kits and the ability to obtain results. All of these tests have to go through a process to make an accurate diagnosis in a laboratory The United States is not equiped to do more. These tests that are being administered  require a doctors note. The health care system is maxed out.There are too many different kinds of tests; many of them with inaccurate results How do you get a consistent positive or negative diagnosis. In order not to create absolute panic for our citizens economic welfare various states are attempting to gradually reopen their economies. This is not a logical idea.I totally understand There is too much that we do NOT know. There are some studies that indicate that this virus is airborne; there is very knowledge about this virus. Reopening the economy, while necessary at some point, may prove very very dangerous.Over one million cases over 57000 deaths;these statistics are based on a very limited amount of data. Over and over you hear the importance of more testing. My opinion is that everyone should get a standardized . accurate and reliable test. Our healthcare experts are still trying to get a grip on this virus..every aspect of our society and the rest of the worlds have been effected.There are many individuals who are not even following the mitagation guidelines; people carelessly have flocked to beaches in parts of california. I wonder just how many people will become infected or even worst become reinfected from that kind of behavior; what about the cavilar attitude of some of the states. People are going to get more careless. Everyone should be tested; it is time to be prudent not careless. Unfortunately, the federal leadership of our nation thinks more about the economy and its reelection rather than the safety of the public.  When someone does not have all the facts, you stop..especially during a deadly pandemic. It has not reached the heartland yet. I listen to all the experts; if you are listening carefully, the experts are implying uncertainty. These so called experts are tip toeing around a president who thought that we had this under control.  We simply do NOT have this under control.  Testing will provide the data..isolation and mitagation will contain this for awhile. We need a treatment; I do not feel confident about a vaccine. Do you remember the early polio vaccine; it was very dangerous in the beginning. People have  to be realistic about the situation..this will be with us for quite some time. I survived two brain surgeries and the 2008 financial crisis..I hope we can ALL survive this. Hopefully more test kits will show up where they are immediately needed,and more available as soon as possible for everyone else. It is MANDATORY TO TEST EVERYONE!

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