Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post Election

My congratulations to Chris Gibson on winning the 19th Congressional District; and to Julian Schreibman take pride in a great accomplishment. As for myself, I am very proud for taking a stand as an alternative to Democrats and Republicans;I am proud of my stance on the issues as well.  Mr. Obama has won a second term as President of the United States, my congratulations; but that hard fought victory may be overshadowed  by  the other outcomes in this election. The Republicans remain the majority in the House of Representatives; the Democrats hold the same in the Senate.Have any lessons been learned within the rhetoric of the campaign?  Will Congress be able to cooperate enough to get anything done?  My position , as an Independent, would have been to get a dialogue going..there must be shift from partisanship to cooperation..that would be a fresh start. To my dismay, and based on pure observation, no one is asking the right questions? That is what s missing in our government..Because without the right questions, you certainly do not get the right answers in order to come close to forging solutions for the problems that plague  us as a nation.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

It has come down to your Vote...Are you willing to make a stand? Voting for the lesser of two evils is not only wrong but, indeed, is throwing your vote away. More often than not  we have done exactly that..we have contributed to our own dysfunctional government..Congress is the most powerful branch of government..yet it hardly gets a notice during a presidential year..I am asking you to make me your choice for the 19th Congressional District of New York..WRITE IN THOM JENKINS as your CHOICE for the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. I will stand firm in favor of protecting women s private health care issues,protecting medicare and social security..I will stand firm on issues surrounding the protection of our environment..I will stand firm on growing our economy creating jobs in our district and everywhere else in the United States..I will not obstruct our government as has been the case during the last two years of this Congress..I will be a force in House of Representatives that stands for all citizens..I will stand firm  for protecting our country. I will stand firm in trying  to mediate the wounds that divide  us. We must have a shift of consciousness in our government; we must begin to ask the right questions..we must think outside the box and begin to solve our problems There is a lot to accomplish and I  am up to the task.

Monday, November 5, 2012

the eve of the Election.

I am really excited about all the people who signed my petition; your  encouragement has gotten me to this point..To those who made contributions, I deeply appreciate your generosity and support. Tomorrow morning, I am going to my polling place not only to vote, but also as a Candidate for the House of Representatives.  Republicans and Democrats are counting on you to do the same old thing vote for the two party system. SURPRISE THEM!!! Take a real stand and WRITE IN THOM JENKINS as YOUR CHOICE  for the House of Representatives . Let your vote make a real difference!! 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The First Congressional Debate Oct. 10

I attended the first debate on October 10th and tried to get into the second debate in Albany. I also attended the third debate in Oneonta. It is unfortunate for Independents that access to the media is so difficult. We must somehow be able to level the playing field so that in the future Independents have more access to all forms of media.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My Interview on WDST

Here is my latest interview on WDST - Woodstock. I mention my platform, issues and the fact that there is a disadvantage for an independent such as myself to get proper media coverage.

Monday, October 8, 2012

my answers on the issues

i guess you are probably interested on where i stand on the issues; there is more than running for office than the three principles that i have mentioned previously.  to review those three are: government must have a conscience, the second is that the two party system is not representing the people and third money should not  buy representation..based on these principles i should get elected by an overwhelming will take more first of all you will have to write in my  name at the bottom of the congressional row or line. i have not seen a sample ballot. let s get to some of the issues that  are concerning us all.. i believe  that we must protect the environment..we must seek alternative  and renewable choices for our future ..despite those energy adds for natural gas  i must say that  there is too great a risk to the environment and our  health..we must protect the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat as your congressman i would  legislate for  more sustainable  farming techniques,  focus on the use of  less chemical fertilizers and pesticides that contribute to climate change  and   more organic food production  and support local farmers. with regard  to health care, i believe in health care for all . while  obamacare is well intended legislation  for all americans, i  disagree with the mandate ;  but overall i support the health care legislation and i strongly support all women s private health care issues ; .we must make an effort to keep health care cost down; somehow we must incentavize the public to be healthier. I am a strong advocate of  medicare  and social security. a less talked about issue is campaign reform.;the super pacs have to go ..clean money  and perhaps  limited public funding. i believe in term is an affront to me that with the state of the economy that a jobs bill has not passed congress .  but in the meantime  we must look to our local communities ; we must support our own local economies..we need more green jobs with living wages..the goal is be be thriving not just surviving. education is of course a priority, the united states has fallen behind  world standards  in math and science which is shocking to me..this must change in order for  us to compete in the depend on  it.  we must  keep our eyes on china and iran. we must get out of afghanistan, too much american and nato blood has been shed there..cut military spending  and reassess our foreign policies.we must pay attention..congress is the most powerful branch of government..the people need a real voice..let your vote make a difference.

Monday, September 17, 2012

My Interview on National Public Radio

Please listen to my recent interview on National Public Radio's Congressional Corner with Alan Chartock to hear my views on issues I feel passionate about in the upcoming congressional election. Click here to be connected: WAMC

Saturday, August 25, 2012

There has been a change in plan

My original goal  for myself was to ride 1000 miles on my bicycle and obtain 10000 signatures or ten per mile..well. I have over the one thousand miles on the bicycle but I came far short of the grand plan and short by 613 of what i needed.  I will not give I will  be a write in candidate.  I will continue to go out and about discussing the  issues and hopefully will get invited to some debates. I am trying to get on various radio  and television shows ;  I have a lot to say on behalf of the people.  I am convinced that Congress is so out of touch with the people..that  I am  a better choice than the two mainstream candidates..  You will hear more soon..participating in a write in in New  York is quite easy .. I will provide you with the appropriate details soon. I would  like  to thank all  those people who signed my petition; your support  has been very encouraging. I hope you will write me in this November 6th..tell a friend who will tell a courageous  and make a stand  as an alternative.Let me bring  the peoples agenda to  the House floor..Remember it is always good to make a fresh start; we have to start somewhere.  Let me your voice.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


I have been out and about getting signatures on my petition;  and I am in the process of learning  just how sensitive  people are about their politics. At the same time, people complain  about the  dysfunction of Congress but they are not willing to take a position to change it..or  are they? I am getting some passes but mostly encouragement. We  seem always to elect the the same old representatives and senators to the Houses of Congress; the people have  become programmed  to blindly  vote  the  party line , with few exceptions. I hope to successfully petition to be on the ballot because I want to debate with Chris  Gibson and Julian Schreibman  on the issues  and  I also want to present my case , as  succinctly  as possible,P . that you should unanimously  vote for the candidate that will work for the people over party politics.  First, I need your signature on my petition..I will be out and about during the week and will be at the Library Fair in Woodstock on Saturday 28th of July...come in droves.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Meet me in Woodstock this weekend

 I will be in Woodstock this weekend July 14th and 15th. I began petitioning this past Tuesday July 10th  to get on the ballot for the general election this fall. I need 3500 signatures.  In order for them to be valid, people should be registered voters within the 19th congressional district who have not signed a petition for  Congress (Julian Schreibman  who won the democratic  primary over Joel Tyner and Chris Gibson the republican incumbent.. Maurice Hinchey  is not seeking re election).  I would love it  if I reached 10,000 or a little over  because that is approximately  the total number of votes cast during the democratic primary out of a total  of 130,000 Julian actually receiving 4.6%. Getting on the ballot is first; the other well we will see.  If you believe that Government  Must  have a conscience, that the  two party system is Not serving  the people and that money does  Not buy representation...then, You just found  the person  who should  be in Congress representing  the People..Fortunately, money does not buy the Vote.  Please help me get on the ballot..sign my petition .asap.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My connection with the Hudson Valley

I have a long and enduring connection to the Hudson  Valley, especially Woodstock. My mother s family came here a little late by historical standards to the lands that would eventually become our great nation. Adam Short arrived in New Castle aboard Wm.. Penn s ship the Welcome on August 24th,1682.It  was from there somewhere between 1695 and 1724 that his son  Hendrick came to Kingston and married a local girl Gepje Winne. These two were the parents of Peter Short of Woodstock, who would play a prominent part in the life of the early settlement.  I am a very proud American  proud of our history and proud of what can be our future.  I have a copy of  a patten of land that Peter Short first lived on in Woodstock  dated before the American Revolution  and a hand written prodigy line dated 9th of May 1763 that my  mother s sister found in the first Bible  from the Dutch Reformed Church on the village green. My grandfather was the last on the list. There are many other proud families  around this area too  More to come..

Friday, July 6, 2012

Sending a Message to Washington

According to a recent New York Times editorial, the Supreme Court failed to revisit  Citizens United;  which keeps the door open for the candidate with the most  contributions  to  win the election . Voting for an independent with little funds but strong beliefs  can  send a message to Washington  that money does not buy representation.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Disappointing Voter Turnout

The Democratic primary for Congressman of 19th District was decided on June 26th.  Julian Schreibman won over Joel Tyner and I wish to congratulate them both for running such outstanding campaigns.  However, the most disappointing aspect of the election was the voter turnout.  Approximately 10% of the 130,000 registered Democrats in the district showed up at the polls.  Change can only happen in a democracy if citizens participate. Each person's voice must be heard through their vote.

Beginning July 10th I will begin petitioning to add my name to the 19th Congressional District ballot as an independent.  I will be campaigning on the principle that government MUST have a conscience and that political parties DO NOT represent the people.

I ask all registered voters who live in the district and have not signed any other petition for congress to please sign mine.

I will be in Woodstock the weekend of July 14th and 15th to discuss my views and platform for the coming general election.

I look forward to meeting you.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What Should Americans Ask Themselves?

I  believe we have to ask ourselves as individuals what we want for the future of america and what contributions we can make as global the world.whatever our cultural differences we all have to live  on this planet earth and we must sustain it. Government has to have conscience..and so do WE.Our environment  is precious and we must preserve it at all costs.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Meeting Maurice Hinchey

I have been spending a great amount of time driving around the 19th District.  This has given me an opportunity to revisit areas I have not seen in quite some time. It also gave me an opportunity to meet many voters who have responded to my message that government must have a conscience. I discussed that very thing to Maurice Hinchey (D) at the Vernal Fling on May 12th which I attended to honor his years of service and to introduce myself as the independent candidate for the new 19th. I was more than pleased when he responded with a very enthusiastic "You're absolutely right!"  I hope many of you feel the same way.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Your Vote is Your Protest

I believe in civil protest as a way for change.  I protested Viet Nam,
Cambodia, Iraq and Occupy Wall Street. Your vote is important.  Your
vote is your right to protest.  If you feel that the current government
is not reflective of your views and needs, your protest can be voiced at the
voting booth.  I sincerely feel that every individual of voting age has
a moral responsibility to use this power for change. To complain or
blame government about something you feel is wrong is meaningless unless
you take action and vote.

This year, Americans will vote for a President, 33 Senators and 435
Members of the House. The Republicans and Democrats have a stranglehold
on the system which has failed. Independents such as myself, are not
beholding to either party and by voting for us you send a strong message
that you are fed-up with the two party system. My hope is that
American's will NOT vote the party line, but will crossover and vote for

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Meet Me in Woodstock This Weekend

I invite you to meet me between the hours of 3 and 5 p.m. this Saturday and Sunday, March 17th and 18th...look  my "Thom Jenkins For  Congress" banner..stop by and chat.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Why Am I Qualified to Represent YOU?

I'm like you. Not a lawyer, politician or captain of industry.  Just a man who is passionate about the issues effecting our lives. The economy in flux. The lack of jobs. The lack of manufacturing in the U.S. The country's lack of self-reliance. The inequality in trade balance. The environment. The health care situation. The lack of proper education. The limiting of campaign financing. The inequality of rich vs. poor. The disenfranchisement of the voter. The needless wars we are involved in. The lack of proper care for veterans. The reliance on oil rather than renewable energy development.

I'm like you. I live in a small home in the Catskill Mountains. I heat my home by burning wood from my property. I have faced a catastrophic illness without proper health insurance. I work with my hands, mind and heart. I do not have a political machine behind me. I do not have personal wealth, but look to my neighbors to support my campaign.

I'm like you.  I am sick of those in congress who profess that they want to do what is best for their constituents, but really stand for just ensuring their reelection. I'm looking to be that person to represent me and you in both regional, state and national issues.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Why am I running as an independent for a congressional seat representing the new 19th district in New York State? 

Because like you, I am displeased by professional politicians making ineffective legislation which does not reflect the everyday man and woman. We need a voice in congress that is outside the established Washington bubble. 

The voice of a person that has known what’s it like to not make the next mortgage payment. The voice of a person who experienced incredible hospital bills due to an illness, but did not have the proper insurance to pay them. The voice of a person who works hard to put food on the table.

I hope to be that voice. 

Congress, which has traditionally been the “people’s house”, has lost touch with those very people and their concerns. Like many others, I found myself complaining about the ills of the system, but frustrated by my inability to do anything about it.  But I realized that I could effect change by working within the system. And with the help of those who feel like me I will succeed.
Meet me next Saturday and Sunday, after the redistricting is announced, in Woodstock between 3:00-4:00 PM.