Friday, March 9, 2012

Why am I running as an independent for a congressional seat representing the new 19th district in New York State? 

Because like you, I am displeased by professional politicians making ineffective legislation which does not reflect the everyday man and woman. We need a voice in congress that is outside the established Washington bubble. 

The voice of a person that has known what’s it like to not make the next mortgage payment. The voice of a person who experienced incredible hospital bills due to an illness, but did not have the proper insurance to pay them. The voice of a person who works hard to put food on the table.

I hope to be that voice. 

Congress, which has traditionally been the “people’s house”, has lost touch with those very people and their concerns. Like many others, I found myself complaining about the ills of the system, but frustrated by my inability to do anything about it.  But I realized that I could effect change by working within the system. And with the help of those who feel like me I will succeed.

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