Sunday, October 30, 2016

Our Taxes

The people pay too much..and the rich even though they are people too little..Unlike the opinion that Supreme Court  concluded with the Citizens United decision  where corporations were declared people..corporations get away with murder when it comes to paying their fair share.  Not only do they not pay taxes in this country..they outsource our jobs..So corporations screw us both ways. And who is left to pay the burden, You and I.  So..we must end corporate loop holes, give  fair tax breaks to small businesses who provide a living wage and health benefits to their credits to families whose children attend a four year university and  an overall federal income tax to people whose income is less than 50,000 dollars of 2% of their adjusted gross income.  Tax Credits to farmers who grow organic food and  contribute to various food banks..and higher taxes on big agriculture until they shift to non-gmo and organic food..If all the farmers are growing organic..we all benefit lower taxes for big agriculture and healthy consumers.Although our current tax system is still based on income brackets,we should focus on helping the middle class more ..definitely  ending a penalty for not having health insurance  that never should have been included in the Affordable Care Act; I am sure that was looked at as a leverage point by the insurance industry to insure their pockets would get richer.  I have always believed that wealthy individuals should pay a must larger tax..they can certainly afford it!

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