Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Just how precious is your right to vote...continud

George Bernard Shaw once wrote.."Democracy is a device that insures we shall be governed.no better than we deserve." Your right to vote is paramount in that result. So why aren 't you voting?There is an side here..in the past, I have written about the fact that the election law in New York state are  bias to democrats and republicans.I do not think it fair the the number of signatures for those two parties are so much less than those needed by an independent 1250/3500..I can complain, ,but it is the law nevertheless. I would like to see it changed to a fair playing field..not only the amount of signatures and also the period in which these signatures are obtained, Furthermore, I would advocate for a national election law that is fair for everyone; included in that law would be an insurance that there would adequate ballot boxes at every polling place, a policy that provided a way in which any member of the electorate would have the right to vote I do not like any of the candidates. The two party system has dominated the electorate..they do not represent the people IF they did fifty five percent of the electorate would not call themselves independent.  In the 19th Congressional District of New York there are a vast number of independents well over 110,000; I sincerely hope you will support this independent to make the ballot for this election cycle.  Good luck to all the candidates in the democratic primary the 26th of June and good luck to any of the other candidates who are seeking the ballot.  YOUR VOTE MEANS SOMETHING; YOU SHOULD EXERCISE IT!

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