Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The democratic party and the republican party do not represent the people..that is to say not all of them

I am of the opinion that the democratic party and the republican party are not representative of all the people. In fact, I believe that they are two gigantic corporations fighting for power.In every town ,in every city, every county, and every state you find these two parties; and in every election they try to sell their platform through television advertising and through every form of media that they can pay for..the candidates for these parties,are sincere in their beliefs but nevertheless perform a function for the political party that they represent. This function is not necessarily for the common good. I truly believe that the electorate needs to have a shift of consciousness..It is time to look in the mirror and reflect on why you are or are not a member of a political party.  Each election candidates come from both parties telling you what you need and how they are going to do it..most of those positions have been brought before the house or the senate for years.  It is very difficult to create change in a dysfunctional government where lobbying creates a lot of roadblocks..I cannot single handily promise anything but I can promise to work hard on issues that concern us all. It is time to look in a different direction . I believe that I can initiate that change. This blog,or my campaign log, goes all the way back to 2012, the first time I became a candidate and sought the ballot.  My views are fairly consistent...but will be up dated for the campaign of 2018.  I love to work hard and love finding solutions to complex problems. I will keep you posted.

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