Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Are vaccines safe?

Not all vaccines are safe. There have been many studies challenging the safety of vaccines. They have been linked to autism. With the current pandemic ,scientists  around the world are rushing to create a vaccine for covid-19. We are being lead to believe that a vaccine can be rushed through the F.D.A for approval by early January 2021.The administration is in fantasy land. We have not tested everyone ; we do have enough information about this virus. In truth, the current administration is making comments that are literally untrue. It will take years to develop a universal and safe vaccine. There are folks that are very alarmed by the thought of being forced to have a vaccine administered to them.
Hopefully, people will eventually develop a natural immunity to this virus. People are losing confidence in the person who leads the nation. Do not get careless; mitigation is now the most important aspect of our lives. Practice good health habits. eat the right foods,try not to stress out too much. As more information is learned about this virus;perhaps ,a natural cure can be developed. A natural cure will be a much safer solution than a vaccine.

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