Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The populuation of the United States is 328,239,523 as of 2019

Obviously we are in 2020 and there is a census going on to determine aide to the states and to figure out the various congressional districts.There are a lot of people in the United States.   This administration has been delinquent in its response to the current pandemic. Numerous misleading comments to the Presidents base are simply untrue. We do not lead the world in testing per capita; the only thing that this country leads in are the total number of cases and as of today that number is 1,359,319, an increase of nearly TWELVE THOUSAND SINCE YESTERDAY; THIS COUNTRY ALSO LEADS THE WORLD IN THE NUMBER OF DEATHS AT 81,847, an increase of nearly 1200 from yesterday too. Mr. Trump is trying to glorify his response to this pandemic; when the truth is that the only thing  he is doing is trying to shift the blame for the pandemics spread in our nation to anyone other than himself. If his base believes his comments; they all need their heads examined. In reality, the total number of tests administered is less than three percent of the nation s population. The citizens are being mislead; this is dangerous. Testing everyone will eventually be the only choice. The health of our nation is at stake.
As I have mentioned in previous posts, caution and mitigation are going to be here for quite some time. The people will not be confident going forward. There is still a great risk across the country were this virus has not hit.  Be prepared.  The greatest fear is that everyone should be aware of is that we will get too relaxed too careless; the number of cases will be suppressed ; the number of deaths could also be suppressed. All for sake of the economy.  There is no economy if you are dead.

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