Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Susan Rice is the best choice for Joe Biden as Vice President

Susan Rice how did I overlook her? The democrats require  balance on their ticket. Ms. Rice is the perfect choice. A Rhodes scholar, a person with diplomatic experience and a former United Nations ambassador. No more guessing ,no more multiple choice questionnaires on the internet. Ms. Rice fills the bill completely; who better suited to help restore the United  States status with our allies than a former individual with diplomatic experience during the Obama tenure in the White House .I am sure that all the other women on Mr. Biden's short list would agree . Now all w have to do is to get tom Perez .national chair of the democratic party to agree to her name on the ticket. The perfect ticket and an easy sell to the democratic base and even to independents who care about our nation. Ms. Rice could easily step in to the presidency if something happens to Mr. Biden. IT IS GOOD ALL THE WAY ROUND! SUSAN RICE SHOULD BE THE VICE PRESIDENTAL CHOICE FOR JOE BIDEN

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