Saturday, October 18, 2014

Some Things Are Just Our Own Fault

 Every two years there is a General Election, and part of that election is for  the House of Representatives , all 434 seats from the varied Congressional Districts across our great land.And almost always, you do the same old thing ; you vote republican or democrat.As Maurice Hinchey, the beloved Democrat, told me in 2012.."the rest are just out for themselves." I had told him that I was running on principle, three to be exact. I have already told you those.In my opinion , the voter ignores the  fact that democrats and republicans do little to help the people and a lot to help themselves. Their pockets get lined with money from big donors; and the voice of the people gets crushed. I want to elected to Congress by you so that I can be your voice without big donors and without big money. I will not out source jobs; I will work hard to find solutions to bringing good paying jobs to our district. I will not vote to shut down the Federal government and risk the prestige of our nation aboard  or the loss of work and salary  to thousands , I will not be a party to our nation being held hostage by party politics. I will work for campaign reform. I will push for equal pay for women (my mother always made more than my dad.) I will always vote to fund planned parenthood: I  am a firm believer  in a woman s right to choose. I will always vote to fund the Center for Disease Control and Prevention;   I will always fund our Public Health and Infrastructure. I believe in protecting the environment; especially, from the potential of pollution of our precious water supply  by fracking.  I fully support Social Security and Medicare. I believe in a living wage not a minimum one.  I believe that higher paying jobs will stimulate the economy; higher revenue more spending power. I believe in universal health care. I will always vote to fund security for our embassies around the world. I live full time in the district; I am not a millionaire nor do I have access to huge amounts of money. I live modestly and I believe that I can be a great representative for the 19th Congressional District. Why? Because I am YOU!  Let your vote make a difference this November 4th. Go down the Congressional line and WRITE-IN...THOM JENKINS..I promise to let your vote make  THE DIFFERENCE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES!

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