Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Heart of the Matter

Do you know why you are a Republican or a Democrat?  I know why I am an Independent; I am not affiliated with any political party.  I  believe in the three principles that I am running on: Government must have a conscience, the two party system(meaning the two major parties) does not represent the people,and MONEY should not buy representation. I believe that the electorate does not pay enough attention to its role in choosing its representative .  I would like to believe that electorate appreciates the freedom that it has; I would like to believe that the electorate acknowledges its power. Voting is not some game you play..The person who is true to his/her conscience is the true voter,and the person who cares about the future of his/her country.  I believe that party politics do not represent the will of the people.  I believe that we must change..When Mr. Obama won the Presidential Election of 2008, the People were actually in tears,tears of joy for him personally and tears of hope for CHANGE.  He inherited a mess and by 2010 things had shifted against him in Congress. The 2012  Election  found Mr. Obama in the White House once more but Congress was still stacked against him. 2012 was the first time that I ran for Congress; I left my blog on from that campaign with a few interviews and some video.  You see,I do not want you to think that I just came out of the woodwork.  I think that I can win this election.  CHANGE is what I am looking for, and I am looking for a change in your  attitude. WRITE-IN  THOM JENKINS..write my name down now on a piece of paper  and stick it in  your wallet or memo it on your cell phone. Let your vote make a DIFFERENCE!

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